Tip Tuesday - Should I use automation software on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Sep 17, 2019
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Tip Tuesday - Why should I customize my URL on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Sep 10, 2019

It's important to customize your URL on LinkedIn is because you wanna have a URL that's clean and elegant and shows that you actually customized it. 

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Tip Tuesday - Who should I accept as a connection on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Sep 03, 2019

1. Somebody that you already know

2. Somebody that you'd like to get to know

3. Somebody that you can possibly do business with, or can refer business to you.

4. Somebody who mentioned that they are a fan of your content. 

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Tip Tuesday - What is the most important part of your profile on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Aug 27, 2019

Three most important things:

  1. Photo
  2. Name
  3. Headline
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Tip Tuesday - What is the first message I should send to a new connection on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Aug 20, 2019

The first thing that I like to do when I connect with somebody is say thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. So, even before he connected with me on LinkedIn, my connection request message was, thanks for checking out my profile, would love to get to know you, let's connect on LinkedIn. Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. And it's just gratitude, right, you're just greeting the person.

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Tip Tuesday - What is the best time of day to post on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Aug 13, 2019

Well, there are influencers out there that say that the best time of day to post on LinkedIn is 8:30 a.m. Eastern time to 9:30 a.m. Eastern time and that's if you're targeting CEOs and executives. If you're targeting people that are more marketing managers or more mid-level managers, I would say during lunchtime.

I say the best time to post on LinkedIn is whenever you can. Post whenever you're looking at LinkedIn. If you're on LinkedIn, post. Just do it whenever, I don't care if it's 3 a.m. on Sunday, post.


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Tip Tuesday - What elements should I include in my headline on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Aug 06, 2019

When you're thinking about your headline on LinkedIn, it's specifically under your name over here, I like including my title, the company that I work for, the most important keyword, basically what we do, and other things that you want people to find you for.

For example, I wanna help hungry entrepreneurs go from frustration to motivation, and I also like including some emojis to really stand out.

The headline should be your title, your company, what your company does, who your company does it for, done, that's it. You don't have a lot of characters to play with in your headline.


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Tip Tuesday - What do I do if someone harasses me on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jul 30, 2019

I get harassed all the time on LinkedIn and there are just trolls. There are people that are trolls. The way that they harass me on LinkedIn is by leaving negative comments on my posts and I really, really, really don't like it. So, I heard an Influencer say that he basically just deletes the comment. He doesn't even engage with them because what they're looking for is attention. That's what they're looking for. So, I think that that's a fine thing to do. I think it's OK to delete a negative comment. I also like blocking a person. So, for example, this guy Robert Stern said something that's super negative, I will click More and then I will just simply either remove the connection or I will block them so I don't see them ever again. Once in a while, you see people that are harassing you, it's OK to block someone on LinkedIn.


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Tip Tuesday - What are the elements of a great profile photo on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jul 23, 2019
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Tip Tuesday - How can I make sure I do not get banned from sending connection

tip tuesday Jul 16, 2019

When you're sending connection requests on LinkedIn, there's actually a limit, to how many pending requests you can have at any one given time. So, there are 4,336 people waiting to connect with me, but there are also people that I'm waiting for them to connect with me, to accept my connection. So if you click on Manage all, you click on My Network, and you click on Manage all, you will see both people that you received invitations from, but you'll also see people that you have sent invitations to. And as you could see, I have sent invitations at 2,057 people that I'm waiting for them to accept my connection requests. So I can easily withdraw this by clicking on the Withdraw button over here. So the COO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, he has not accepted my connection request, so I'm gonna go ahead and withdraw that. And as you can see, there are many people that I haven't accepted yet. The easy way for me to do this is I can just select 100 at a time and press Withdraw. And then...

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